Attention Lapses: When Eyes Do Not See
Concentration Gaps Create Invisible Road Dangers Just when you think you’ve seen everything -- it’s time to think about what you’re not seeing. Even those with the best vision are not getting the whole picture while on the road, and it’s not just because of the...
Thanksgiving Can Turn Deadly for Holiday Travelers
Refrain from drinking and driving to avoid a fatal car accident. Thanksgiving should be a time for a family celebration, a time to relax and visit with those you may not have seen in a while. However, for hundreds of people each year, what starts out as a festive...
Plan to Avoid a Holiday DUI
Use Strategies to Avoid Colorado Car Accidents During Festivities None of us hopes to spend the winter holidays risking the lives of family, friends, and strangers, nor facing arrest, jail, and heavy fines. Yet every November and December, thousands of us do just...
3 Common Misconceptions Regarding Car Accident Claims
Things Colorado Personal Injury Clients Find Especially Confusing About Their Case Getting injured in a Colorado auto accident that was caused by another driver is a terrifying and often confusing experience, and it’s only the beginning. Injured people who file...
Vehicle Checklist for Winter Driving in Colorado
Safety tips for winter driving conditions in Colorado. Fall is now upon us, and temperatures are dropping. The seasonal change can come early in Colorado. Last year, for example, Denver experienced a snowfall in early October; the same happened in 2012. Winter can be...
What Are Damages in a Personal Injury Case?
Types of Monetary Compensation Auto Accident Victims Can Recover When an individual is injured in an automobile accident that was the fault of another motorist, they could be eligible to receive compensation for the damages they suffered. These damages are often...