Additional Colorado Marijuana Impact Report Released
Research Gives Policymakers Info to Base Opinions Following on the heels of related reports by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Highway Loss Data Institute, a new report issued by Colorado’s crime research agency on Oct. 26 is offering mixed data...
Road Safety Affected By Generational Gap
Unsafe Behavior Behind the Wheel Places Young Drivers at Great Risk Historian and noted author, Tom Brokaw, made famous the term “Greatest Generation,” which refers to those born during the Depression and then who went on to fight battles during World War II. Those...
Crashes Continue to Climb in Colorado and Other Cannabis-Friendly States
Recent Reports Show a Connection Between Increased Auto Accidents and Marijuana Usage The impact of marijuana on public safety is a commonly discussed topic in Colorado and other states that have legalized its recreational use. Colorado and Washington legalized...
What Is a Settlement Demand?
And, more importantly, what does it have to do with my Colorado personal injury case? Once a car accident victim has completed their accident-related medical treatment and their doctor has officially designated them to be at “maximum medical improvement,” a Colorado...
Higher: Legal Pot Tied to Rising Auto Accidents
Collisions in Open States Outpacing Neighbors Legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes may be showing its cost in Colorado and three other states where it’s legal to use the controlled substance. A new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS),...
Colorado Personal Injury Lawsuits Filed by Passengers Against Drivers
Passengers Never at Fault for Auto Accidents A Colorado passenger injured in an auto accident will typically never be considered at fault for a collision since they were not operating the vehicle at the time of the crash. However, one or both drivers may be at fault,...