Colorado Car Accident Resources

Explore helpful links for those injured in accidents, and learn more about our experience handling Colorado car accident cases.

Decades of Research Deems August Most Dangerous Month for Car Accidents

Decades of Research Deems August Most Dangerous Month for Car Accidents

Discover what the research says about U.S. roads in August and how to best protect yourself from the risk of traffic accidents. When it comes to passenger safety on U.S. roads, most fatal auto accidents occur around major holidays, such as July 4th, Christmas, and New...

What Are AVIS Systems and Do They Work?

What Are AVIS Systems and Do They Work?

Some in Colorado Question Whether Red-Light Cameras Do More Harm Than Good One of the most hotly debated topics among Colorado drivers is Automated Vehicle Identification Systems (AVIS), which include red light cameras and photo speed vans. Several months ago, two...

Do I Have a Viable Car Accident Claim?

Do I Have a Viable Car Accident Claim?

5 Ways to Determine Whether Your Colorado Case Has Merit According to, approximately 6 million car accidents occur in the U.S. each year, injuring 3 million people. While not nearly all of them will merit filing a personal injury lawsuit to obtain...

Ride-Booking Services Are No Panacea for Drunken Driving

Ride-Booking Services Are No Panacea for Drunken Driving

Those who have been out drinking might reasonably think that calling a ride-booking service, such as Uber or Lyft, would be the safest and best way to get home. There have been instances, however, one right here in Denver, when calling for a ride turned into a...

DWI Checkpoints Increasing Public Safety

DWI Checkpoints Increasing Public Safety

Campaigns Battle Drunken, Deadly Summer Months “No, officer. I haven’t been drinking.” The question you just answered usually gets asked only if a police officer has a reason to ask it: driving erratically or swerving between lanes, for instance. But today, the only...

Driving Stick Means Safety, Savings, Fun

Driving Stick Means Safety, Savings, Fun

Last-Century Gear Tech Brings Driving Back to Basics Why, when auto manufacturers across the globe have mastered building reliable, economical, and convenient automatic transmissions, do standard transmissions with their stick shifts still have a place on the road in...

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