CDOT Targets Tailgating on I-25
Increase in Auto Accidents in Colorado Work Zones Due to a marked increase in collisions, the Colorado State Patrol and the Department of Transportation have decided to boost traffic law enforcement along the 18-mile road expansion project on I-25 between Monument and...
FAQs About Cannabis and Driving
Colorado Works to Reduce Marijuana-Involved Auto Accidents In 2018, the Colorado Department of Transportation conducted a statewide traffic safety campaign intended to engage the state's residents in a discussion about a very complex issue: cannabis and driving. Here...
The Dangers of Multitasking
There are 43 auto accidents a day in Colorado due to distracted driving. Social distancing, self-quarantine, and lockdown are the new normal as millions of Americans suddenly find themselves working and schooling children from home. Ability to multitask may help make...
Being Too Emotional While Driving Can Kill You
Examples of Strong Emotions That Can Lead to Increased Auto Accident Risk Just as drugs and alcohol do, strong emotions like rage, worry, panic, and anguish can impair a person's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. According to a study by researchers at...
Drivers Don’t Yet Trust Self-Driving Cars
Even with the promise of a reduction in auto accidents due to human error, confidence in autonomy is far from certain. Only a tenth of U.S. drivers would feel safer with self-driving vehicles on the road. That was the verdict of an American Automobile Association...
What Constitutes Reckless Conduct in Colorado?
Reckless Driving, Careless Driving Both Fit the Bill Like most states, Colorado has reckless driving laws on the books. What does the state regard as reckless conduct, reckless driving, and careless driving? All behaviors can lead to deadly auto accidents, but are...