Colorado Personal Injury Resources

Explore helpful links for those injured in accidents, and learn more about our experience handling Colorado personal injury cases.

What’s the Difference Between Criminal and Civil Law?

What’s the Difference Between Criminal and Civil Law?

Two Separate Bodies of Law Punish Wrongdoing, Compensate Victims Unless you are an attorney, work in some legal capacity, or have been a party to a lawsuit, you likely do not know the difference between criminal and civil law. Here is an explanation: Criminal Law...

3 Common Misconceptions Regarding Car Accident Claims

3 Common Misconceptions Regarding Car Accident Claims

Things Colorado Personal Injury Clients Find Especially Confusing About Their Case Getting injured in a Colorado auto accident that was caused by another driver is a terrifying and often confusing experience, and it’s only the beginning. Injured people who file...

What Are Damages in a Personal Injury Case?

What Are Damages in a Personal Injury Case?

Types of Monetary Compensation Auto Accident Victims Can Recover When an individual is injured in an automobile accident that was the fault of another motorist, they could be eligible to receive compensation for the damages they suffered. These damages are often...

What Is a Settlement Demand?

What Is a Settlement Demand?

And, more importantly, what does it have to do with my Colorado personal injury case? Once a car accident victim has completed their accident-related medical treatment and their doctor has officially designated them to be at “maximum medical improvement,” a Colorado...

Colorado Personal Injury Lawsuits Filed by Passengers Against Drivers

Colorado Personal Injury Lawsuits Filed by Passengers Against Drivers

Passengers Never at Fault for Auto Accidents A Colorado passenger injured in an auto accident will typically never be considered at fault for a collision since they were not operating the vehicle at the time of the crash. However, one or both drivers may be at fault,...

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