Rental Car Insurance Explained
Will your personal insurance policy pay for accident-related damages or injuries? Renting a car invites the question, "Do I want to pay the extra cost of insurance coverage for the rental?" The options for rental car insurance typically include the following:...
Comprehensive Defensive Driving Guide
Steps Colorado Drivers Can Take to Reduce Risk of Auto Accidents On the road, the best offense is a good defense. Drivers should always be prepared for the unexpected, including potential hazards. And that means acquiring specific driving skills. Learning Through...
How a Personal Injury Attorney Settles a Car Accident Case
Patience, Knowledge, and Negotiating Skills Benefit Clients Most personal injury cases settle out of court, many times even before a lawsuit is filed. In fact, only four percent to five percent of all personal injury cases in the U.S. go to trial. Personal injury...
Establishing Fault in a Colorado Motorcycle Accident
Proving That Someone Else Caused Your Injuries In 2018, 103 motorcycle riders were killed on Colorado roads. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, motorcycle fatalities rose 30 percent between 2012 and 2018, peaking at 125 in 2016. Even when they...
FAQs About Cannabis and Driving
Colorado Works to Reduce Marijuana-Involved Auto Accidents In 2018, the Colorado Department of Transportation conducted a statewide traffic safety campaign intended to engage the state's residents in a discussion about a very complex issue: cannabis and driving. Here...
What Constitutes Reckless Conduct in Colorado?
Reckless Driving, Careless Driving Both Fit the Bill Like most states, Colorado has reckless driving laws on the books. What does the state regard as reckless conduct, reckless driving, and careless driving? All behaviors can lead to deadly auto accidents, but are...