Colorado Car Accident Resources

Explore helpful links for those injured in accidents, and learn more about our experience handling Colorado car accident cases.

Denver Police Easing Off Gas When Bad Guys Run

Denver Police Easing Off Gas When Bad Guys Run

To Protect, Serve and Chase? Not so much, anymore. Police in Colorado, and across the country, have been re-evaluating the pros and cons of pursuing offenders who flee the scene, especially when the offense is not violent. It's an American stereotype, running from...

Getting Caught Texting While Driving in Colorado Can Cost You

Getting Caught Texting While Driving in Colorado Can Cost You

It almost goes without saying: Texting while driving is extremely dangerous. When you're behind the wheel, using your cell phone for anything that takes your eyes off the road can lead to an accident. If you are traveling at 55 mph, it only takes 5 seconds to go 100...

Silent Cars Will Soon Be Required to Make Noise

Silent Cars Will Soon Be Required to Make Noise

Implementation is quickly approaching for a federal safety standard for new hybrid and electric cars, also known as HE vehicles. For those who are hearing or visually impaired, the new requirement can't come soon enough. According to the new standard, hybrid and...

Let Your Vehicle Do the Talking

Let Your Vehicle Do the Talking

Autonomous car technologies aren't the only cutting-edge features carmakers are researching. There has been a lot of discussion lately on the development of autonomous -- or self-driving -- cars. Another advanced technology being studied, one you may not be hearing...

Tracking Devices Can Monitor Real-Time Driving

Tracking Devices Can Monitor Real-Time Driving

You may have heard of something called OBD. It stands for on-board diagnostics and refers to a car or truck's self-diagnostic and reporting capability. OBD was originally developed in the 1970s as a means of meeting emission standards enforced by the Environmental...

Forgotten Baby Syndrome

Forgotten Baby Syndrome

It's every parent's worst nightmare, and it happens more often than you might think. During the summer months, a heartbreaking scenario plays itself out more often than you might think: A parent buckles his or her child in a car seat and heads out for the day. Instead...

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