Colorado Pedestrian Accident Resources

Explore helpful links for those injured in accidents, and learn more about our experience handling Colorado pedestrian accident cases.

One State’s Efforts to Reduce Pedestrian Accidents

One State’s Efforts to Reduce Pedestrian Accidents

An article from a New York newspaper highlighted a new pedestrian and bicycle safety campaign aimed at vehicle drivers. Unlike others of its type, this campaign aimed to create and find unique ways to get drivers’ attention, especially when it comes to crosswalks and...

States Install Sensors to Secure Their Streets

States Install Sensors to Secure Their Streets

Discover how ITS technology can be used to improve traffic congestion and prevent pedestrian accidents. Traffic cameras, along with speed traps, are the current default in roadway monitoring technology. They are placed at intersections, stoplights, and other roads and...

Vehicle Power & Size Threaten U.S. Pedestrians

Vehicle Power & Size Threaten U.S. Pedestrians

Europe Ahead of America in Automotive Design Safety Initiatives Getting injured in a vehicle-pedestrian accident while you’re crossing the street is bad enough, but you must also consider how the driver’s vehicle choice and the automotive design features dictate the...

Rising Danger for Pedestrians in Traffic

Rising Danger for Pedestrians in Traffic

Research Identifies Ways to Make Crossing Safer and Prevent Accidents The miracle of an average city street, on an average day: Dozens of 4,000-pound, metal and plastic machines move back and forth at 30 mph or more. Here and there, a few 150-pound, flesh-and-bone...

Pedestrian Safety Has Come Down to This

Pedestrian Safety Has Come Down to This

Smartphone Zombie Crossing Signs The first text message was actually sent in 1992 even though there were barely any devices that could receive the message. In 2017, it was estimated that there were more than 1.6 billion text messages sent in the United States....

Pedestrian Accidents Involving Autonomous Vehicles

Pedestrian Accidents Involving Autonomous Vehicles

How Self-Driving Cars Still Fall Prey to Distracted Driving Self-driving vehicles are currently being tested by manufacturers and their engineers for commercial, and eventually, public use. The recent auto accident involving an Uber self-driving car and a pedestrian...

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