How to Spot an Impaired Driver

You can help get drunken drivers off the road before an accident happens. Halfway through 2020 —  and despite months of pandemic-induced lockdown — state police say Colorado has already seen more than 268 traffic fatalities, 30 percent of which involve an...

Making Trucks Safer

Features That Can Save Lives and Reduce Big Rig Accidents In April 2019, a commercial truck lost control and collided with more than two dozen stopped vehicles on I-70 west of Denver, killing four people. This tragic accident was another reminder of the rise in fatal...

Will Colorado’s Road Usage Charge Program Be Revived?

Part of what you pay at the pump goes to taxes that help build and maintain roads. In 2016, Colorado, like other states, considered switching to another form of taxation to fund infrastructure. But it has yet to follow up on its brief pilot program. Colorado’s...

Reducing the Risks of Driving at Night

Car, Pedestrian, and Bicycle Accidents Tend to Rise in the Dark It can get scary after dark. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), vehicle occupants are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal car accident at night than...

How Denver Hopes to End Car Accident Fatalities

Can we prevent all deaths caused by traffic accidents? A few years ago, the National Safety Council launched the Road to Zero (RTZ) Coalition. This is a partnership of local and state police around the country with the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities by the...
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