Parents Should Be Safe-Driving Role Models

Speeding is actually a larger cause of fatalities among teen drivers than distracted driving, according to a new survey by AAA. Speeding is one of the three main mistakes teens make while learning to drive, along with distracted driving, and poor visual scanning....

Guide to Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is a great strategy for keeping yourself and your passengers safe on the road. It was the National Safety Council that created the first defensive driving course in the United States, in 1964. When you consider that vehicle crashes are a leading...

Motorcycle Laws in Colorado

Resources for Colorado Motorcyclists on State Laws Motorcyclists in Colorado are required to obey the same traffic laws as the drivers of any other vehicle on the road. The minimum safety standards for motorcycles in Colorado include: Licensing Motorcyclists in...

Drunk, Drugged, and Drowsy Driving

Drunk, Drugged, and Drowsy Driving Resources for Colorado Motorists on Impaired Driving Each year, more than 26,000 people are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) in Colorado, and more than 150 people are killed in alcohol-related auto accidents —...
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