Driving Stick Means Safety, Savings, Fun

Last-Century Gear Tech Brings Driving Back to Basics Why, when auto manufacturers across the globe have mastered building reliable, economical, and convenient automatic transmissions, do standard transmissions with their stick shifts still have a place on the road in...

Auto Accident Fatalities Increase for Senior Drivers

Aging Causes Changes in Vision, Hearing, Reaction Time We all would like to stay young, but there’s no getting around the aging process. And for some people, as they age, their ability to drive safely decreases, which can lead to accidents. One day, we are all...

Traffic Safety Culture Index Cuts to the Chase

Drivers respond to questions about safety habits, road concerns, and personal experiences in AAA Foundation survey. The American Automobile Association (AAA) is known as a fee-based company that, among many things, offers roadside assistance services. But, the...

Autonomous Vehicle Tech Moves Forward, But Public Reaction Remains Split

You would think that those living in one of the most progressive states in the U.S. would be ‘all in’ when it comes to self-driving vehicles. Also known as autonomous vehicles (AV), these high-tech cars were once touted as the next generation of transportation, but...

Aging Vehicles Present Safety Risks

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently reported on a large scale study it had done on fatal crashes, and it noted the correlation between the model year (MY) of a vehicle and the severity of the auto accident. In other words, researchers...
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